Paul Taylor 2 was created to exhibit Taylor's repertoire around the world (often re-worked to accomodate the six dancers), while also providing a medium for educating communities in modern dance. The endurance of the six chosen dancers is awe inspiring and all six exude passion in their movements. They love what they do and are seasoned professionals with vast experience. Most hold a B.F.A in dance, sometimes a rarity in performers whose professional careers start in their late teens. The 2006 Spring Season program of Paul Taylor 2 at the Joyce Theater consisted of Company B (a tribute to World War II), Piazzolla Caldera and Esplanade. The theme of all three numbers was relationships; friendship and love. Selections included more than one paux de deux and dancer interaction drew the audience into the mood of each piece, from the peppy Company B, to the sultry tango depiction in Piazzolla Cladera, to the classic contra danse style of Esplanade. Those interested in tango would enjoy Piazzolla Cladera. The music by Astor Piazzola and Jerzy Peterburshsky was a beautiful tango selection. Taylor's sense of flair, precision, sharpness and passion are superb in this number. The paux de trois was captivating with a spectacular array of stunning lifts. However, overall a tango affectionado would leave a tad disappointed. The tango hold was an oversight. There was no focus on the partner and a true tango hold was lacking, if not a mockery. Taylor 2 is a spectacular dance troupe, by no means is it a lesser company than the main troupe. The dancers are strong and seasoned and attack their performance. Visit www.ptdc.org for a Paul Taylor 2 tour and dance workshop schedule.
 Francisco Graciano in Paul Taylor's Company B Photo © & courtesy of Tom Caravaglia |
 Winston Dynamite Brown, Jamie Rae Walker, Jared Wootan and Francisco Graciano in Paul Taylor's Company B Photo © & courtesy of Tom Caravaglia |
 Jamie Rae Walker and Jared Wootan in Paul Taylor's Esplanade Photo © & courtesy of Tom Caravaglia |
 Latra Wilson and Francisco Graciano in Paul Taylor's Piazzola Caldera Photo © & courtesy of Tom Caravaglia |
 Alison Cook and Jared Wootan in Paul Taylor's Piazzolla Caldera Photo © & courtesy of Tom Caravaglia |