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 Stacey KentAt The Oak Room In the Famed Algonquin Hotel 59 West 44th Street, NY, NY (btw. 5th and 6th Aves.) www.algonquinhotel.com Featuring Stacey Kent - Vocals: Jim Tomlinson - Sax Matthew Fries - Piano: Pat O'Leary - Bass Colin Oxley - Guitar www.staceykent.com, staceykent1@aol.com See Zlokower Review and Photos of Stacey Kent, January 13, 2003 By Roberta Zlokower September 9, 2003 This was another magical night at the famed Oak Room in the Algonquin Hotel. I dined on melon and herbal tea, a nice change from the usual glass of wine, and the waiters and maitre'd' were extremely professional and expeditious. Stacey sang the following songs with her upbeat humor and continuous admiration for husband, Jim Tomlinson, the straight man, saxophonist. Her first song, about heartstrings and love, had an ethereal bass and guitar riff between the talented duo, Mathew Fries and Colin Oxley. Say It Isn't So was sung in a soft whisper, with Stacey looking adoringly at husband and saxophonist, Jim Tomlinson. Stacey is developing an exquisitely melodic voice, a canary at times and a sassy blues singer at others. This piece brought out the romantic nature of the Musical Quartet. Jim's saxophone solo was ever so extended, with bass and piano as backup. The Oak Room provided warm, yellow lighting that set these five performers into a hazy glow. The Tender Trap created a Swing Dance rhythm, with a Jazzy piano solo and strong bass, as Stacey swung her body with the tempo of the band. The next piece, People Will Say We're in Love, from Oklahoma, performed to a unique Bossa Nova beat, mainly defined by Pat O'Leary's engaging bass, was the first of two Rogers and Hammerstein melodies, turned inside out by this resourceful and dynamic group. Shall We Dance, from King and I, was next presented as a Polka, and Stacey said, "We're Massacring Rogers and Hammerstein!" The Boy Next Door, which reminded me of Sinatra's torch style in The Girl Next Door, used the intonations of the guitar very effectively. After the presentation of bouquets of flowers to this svelte and sexy singer, Stacey and her band rewarded the Oak Room fans with Oh, Shooby Dooby, a Jazzy Swing piece, with scat singing from the musicians, as they buoyantly and brilliantly warmed the crowd. This again was a danceable song, vibrant and vivacious. The encore was I've Got a Crush On You, which was just right for a luminous, romantic setting, such as the Algonquin Hotel's Oak Room. Upcoming events at the Oak Room are Jazz Singer-Pianist, Jamie Cullum, September 30-October 18, 2003, and a Cavalcade of Cabaret. See the Oak Room's Website (www.algonquinhotel.com) for details. This is a must-experience venue.  Pat O'Leary, at Leisure, with Mathew Fries and Colin Oxley Photo courtesy of Roberta E. Zlokower
 Stacey Kent and a Fan Photo courtesy of Roberta E. Zlokower
 Stacey Signs a CD Photo courtesy of Roberta E. Zlokower
 Jim Tomlinson, Husband and Saxophonist, Sells CD's Photo courtesy of Roberta E. Zlokower
 Oak Room Guests from CA Photo courtesy of Roberta E. Zlokower
 Roberta and Stacey Photo courtesy of Roberta E. Zlokower
 Stacey's Four Musicians Photo courtesy of Roberta E. Zlokower
 Jim Tomlinson says, "Goodnight" Photo courtesy of Roberta E. Zlokower
 Stacey and Jim Photo courtesy of Roberta E. Zlokower
 Stacey and Her Mother Photo courtesy of Roberta E. Zlokower
 Stacey's Mother, Jim, Stacey Photo courtesy of Roberta E. Zlokower
 Algonquin Plaque Photo courtesy of Roberta E. Zlokower
 Algonquin Plaque Photo courtesy of Roberta E. Zlokower