Hi QFers, I reached out last week saying I was off to Costa Rica and would be in San Jose on Saturday night and where could I go for salsa dancing. Fellow QFer Robert Abrams gave me the scoop on where to go. It is all documented on his site www.exploredance.comSo the story goes that I was getting a cab to go off to Castro's Discotheque when the strap on my high heels broke. I had bought a new pair of heels that day in San Jose, with no intention of doing partner dancing in them - they are platform heels that are very tall. However, choosing between that or sandals I took them instead. I got to the club and the ambiance was great - I boogied down - but no one asked me to dance. Finally I did the asking and got a partner. I must have been too tall because at one point my dance partner asked me to take off my shoes! I was a head taller than him with them on so it made sense! Anyway, I had a hoot of a time, and was even asked to dance once at the end of the night so that was encouraging. Castro's is definitely a place I will return to. love to QF, and thanks Robert, Jena
Jena la Flamme Director of the Jena Wellness Center Certified Holistic Health Counselor Yoga Instructor Workshop Leader and Speaker More energy and vibrant health, made fun and easy Join Jena's mailing list by sending a blank email to: jenawellness@aweber.com 212.260.6064 jena@jenawellness.com http://jenawellness.com1133 Broadway, suite 1107, @ 26th St. New York, NY 10010