Dance the night away at the 34th Annual Viennese Ball this Friday, February 11 at the Hyatt Regency in Burlingame, CA. The Viennese Ball is one of Stanford's most elegant dance events, with a traditional Opening Ceremony followed by open social dancing to various music, performances by dance groups, dance contests, and more! There will be two dance rooms with various music including Waltz, Swing, and Latin. See our schedule: http://vienneseball.stanford.edu/night.phpTickets are $55 for alumni and $65 for the general public, with a $5 discount for tickets purchased as a couple. Tickets will be sold at White Plaza on Stanford Campus, 11am-1pm every weekday until the ball. Tickets are also available online: http://egroups.stanford.edu/p-181-viennese-ball.aspx. You may also purchase commemorative champagne flutes ($8 pre-ordered, $10 at the ball) and silver T-shirts ($20) online, to be picked up at the ball. For more information about tickets: http://vienneseball.stanford.edu/tickets.phpIf you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at stanford.viennese@gmail.com or visit http://vienneseball.stanford.edu