I was at the 92Y for a meeting today and discovered there was going to be a free Fridays at Noon dance performance soon after, so I stayed to attend the show. The works presented were of an experimental, dance-theater-ish bent. I was particularly intrigued by Sarah Maxfield's "We deserve each other." In this work, she talked about past dance performances she has seen. In the middle of the work she stripped herself of her past by removing one t-shirt after another. Each shirt was from one of NYC's dance venues. (This was a chaste performance. When Ms. Maxfield was done, it looked like she still had two t-shirts on.) Overall, I thought she had a good idea: it felt like a fairly comprehensive tour through a slice of experimental dance. I would have, though, liked to see more dance in the piece. Perhaps in a future performance, Ms. Maxfield could re-create sections of past dances she especially liked so that she could show a collage as well as tell a story. And in the "Steal this idea" category, what if she told the story of a couple who has contracted Laryngitis, and the only way they can communicate is by dancing snippets of other dances? (For something analogous concerning the difficulty of communication, see the Star Trek episode "Darmok" about the Children of Tama.)