My name is Dan Fernandez and I am president of the Board of Directors of a dance organization called SpectorDance located in Marina, CA (near Monterey). We have developed a multimedia dance piece called "Ocean" that addresses the effects of climate change and other human influences on the oceans.
The piece has gained national recognition and was nominated by Tom's of Maine as one of 20 finalists for a national award (which if we win, would bring $50 K to the project, spots 2-6 bring in $20 K). For an arts organization, this is an enormous opportunity. The web site is www.50statesforgood.com and you can find "SpectorDance - Ocean" as one of the projects there (plus you can see an excerpt of it).
The winner is determined by public voting (you can vote daily per computer) and we are currently in 2nd place! We rose from 12th place over the course of the last 2 weeks! However, we need to keep the momentum increasing and we are looking for more (daily if possible) voting support.
I ask for your daily vote if at all possible through Sept. 13.
Thank you for your time and please go to our web site www.spectordance.org for more information on the November 17, 2011 premiere of "Ocean" at the Sunset Center in Carmel, CA.
For more questions, please contact: Dan Fernandez, dfernandez@csumb.edu