Third Annual Integrated Dance Performance, May 14 and 15; Unveil, by Spoke N Motion Dance reveals what pulses within. Spoke N Motion Dance presents its third annual performance/fundraiser Unveil, on Saturday, May 14 at 7:00 p.m. and Sunday, May 15 at 1:00 p.m. at the Colorado Ballet-Armstrong Center for Dance, 1075 Santa Fe Drive, Denver, CO 80204. Tickets are $25.00 and available online at SpokenMotionDance.org or by calling 720-580-1554. If still available, tickets may be purchased at the door until one hour before either show. “UnVeil. Underneath pulsing within, integral to the human condition. Dancing from the inside out,” is the way Robyn Gisbert, Co-founder and Lead Choreographer of Spoke N Motion Dance, expressed the inspiration for the upcoming performances. Spoke N Motion Dance is Colorado’s only integrated dance company, uniting the talents of dancers with and without disabilities in a unique, creative art form called integrated dance. The May performances will include a score of dancers, including those with a myriad of different disabilities. The Armstrong Center for Dance is wheelchair accessible and near the RTD transit hub at Osage St. and 11th Ave. There is parking in the rear of the building as well as nearby. Dancers, sponsors, benefactors, community members and the media can learn more about Spoke N Motion Dance by visiting SpokenMotionDance.org