Dance New York's Showcase of the Stars 3Pictures from the Showcase of the Stars #3, Half Size Pictures Cynthia Miller and Joe Wu go wild for Samba
Note how both partners have ecstatic expressions on their faces. These are not smiles they bought at the Seven-Eleven and then pasted on with spirit gum. As such, this photograph makes a point about border crossing. Samba is a dance of Joy. Cynthia and Joe are clearly feeling it while dancing their International Samba. International Samba is a different set of motions done to the same music as Brazilian Samba, but is just as capable of eliciting Joy.
 No shoes? No problem!
Anyone can dance. My grandmother learned to dance from a teacher named Sharkey (when he wasn't teaching dance, he was at his real job - supervising the painting of the George Washington Bridge). Here she is dancing a Foxtrot with me. Her shoes were coming loose, so she danced without them. Just be glad you don't have to compete against her.
 Liane Onish raises the roof and sets the world akilter
It was a good thing they remembered to turn off the overhead fans before Liane and Ed started dancing. Liane is a very nice person with a very nice head, even when it is covered with bright blue fur. And she would rather have it stay attached to her neck, thank you very much.
 Robert Abrams and Michelle Officer do a Double Tango
This Tango routine is an American Tango with some Argentine inflection at the end. They dance so forcefully that the camera was able to pierce the fabric of spacetime and record both the American and the Argentine parts in the same picture. (Okay, the photo is a little blurry - you can tell from the streaks the lights make - but it sounds plausible, especially when dancing with Michelle.)
 Various attendees learn Merengue from Yuliya
There were about 200 people at the Showcase. A large number of them enjoyed the Merengue lesson.
 Robert Abrams, Michelle Officer, and Christina & Vernon Duckett
What they were thinking: "I love performing, but now I can relax."
 Yuliya Levitin's Cha-Cha formation team burns the floor
Think this looks fun? Ask Dance New York about joining a formation team and try it for yourself.
 Dance New York is located at 237 West 54th Street (3rd Floor) in New York, NY 10019 (Between Broadway & 8th Avenue). Their phone number is 212-246-5797.