CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS  Los Angeles Area Dance Film and Video Makers Dance Camera West  Local Heroes . The Dance Resource Center of Greater Los Angeles will host a dance film/video festival that invites participation from dance and film/video artists from the Los Angeles area. The festival will be held in February of 2002 in conjunction with the Touring Program of the Dance Film Association's DANCE ON CAMERA Festival, the oldest and longest running dance film festival in the world, hosted annually in New York by The Dance Film Association and the Lincoln Center Film Society. Works produced after 1999 in any format or styles are welcome however preference will be given to documentaries, short narratives and experimental films. DEADLINE: September 15, 2001 ENTRY FEE: $15.00 For application form please email and send along with VHS PREVIEW TAPES and $15 entry fee payable to DRC of Greater Los Angeles ( plus $5 or a SASE if you'd like your tape returned) to: DRC/Dance Camera West, P.O. Box 41708, Los Angeles CA 90041 Direct all questions to: DRC/Dance Camera West, Telephone/fax: 818-769-3093/e-mail: kellyh@firstrunfeatures.com Applicants to Dance On Camera Festival 2002 ($30 per title) will automatically be entered in Dance Camera West. Entry form available online: www.dancefilmsassn.org or by contacting Dance Films Association dfa5@juno.com. DEADLINE: August 15, 2001