Emotion Revealed
This was supposed to be a shot of a dancer (see the blur of hair on the right?), but it is useful because it shows the use of theatrical lighting.
They've got frame
Some go this way, and some go that way
You can look, but you can't touch
Okay, this picture is a little blurry, but Julia is in it, so I thought I would include it anyway. Yes, yes, I know, I am just reenforcing the status quo hero worship thing, but in Bob and Julia's case it is deserved. (Lucas Jaime, Michelle Lamb, Julia Gorchakova)
Bob and The Blur (AKA Julia). For some dancers, the camera provides an illusion that they are moving very fast. In Julia's case, this is no illusion. (Bob Powers, Julia Gorchakova)
Here it is folks. Actual proof that men perspire and women glow.
More Bob and Julia. (Julia Gorchakova, Bob Powers, Michelle Lamb, Lucas Jaime)
Who will win?
Bob and Julia win
Oscar Burgos and partner
I have such a hot beard.
Artful feet.
What a line!
Is that his arm or her hair? You be the judge.
From East Brunswick, New Jersey (Elena Grinenko, Howard Goldstein)
Michelle Officer ponders a dancer's fate
This photo was taken after I had walked across the underground World Trade Center mall, and above ground for several blocks in an increasingly futile search for a specific kind of 3 volt lithium ion battery (in my dance shoes no less, because each place I checked would say 'the next place will have it and it is not far'). I ended up at J&R, where they told me that this kind of lithium ion battery is really just 2 AA batteries packaged together. Aaarrghh! While this was true, it was not entirely true. I discovered from practical experience that lithium ion batteries have more juice in them than two AA batteries. Just in case you wanted to know.
Tony Meredith marks them as he sees them.
Waiting for the awards
A runner serves the all important function of getting the score sheets from the judges to the scrutineer, while looking elegant doing it. This runner is taking a few winks after a job well done.
Paul takes his dancing seriously.
Quite the dress.
Clive Philips and Linda Katz take on the world
Sally and Alex are having fun. Sally had a baby two months before the comp. Congrats!
Still having fun, sans peasant skirt.
There was plenty of general dancing.
Paul and sweetheart
Whirls of color.
Bend, straighten, settle.
The dancer's bun.
There's something coming.
The judge is thinking, 'Nice layback.'
133 only looks like he is not wearing a shirt. He could probably pull it off, but the pins would really hurt.
See? 133 really is wearing a shirt. (Michael Nadtochi, Elena Grinenko)
Twinkle twinkle little star.
I am proud. I am confident. I am paso doble!
The organizers recognise Robert and Kerry Betensky for their generous support (plus they danced well).
Skill in a pink dress. (Yana Goldshtein, Natan Rositan)
Skill in a blue dress. (Agata Holody, Rafael Rositan)
Keep an eye on this one. She is going to be good.
Still twinkling.
My mind to your mind... (Michael Nadtochi, Elena Grinenko)
I am so hot. (Elena Grinenko, Michael Nadtochi)
I am so hot.
Here we discover that Michelle Officer can sing. Rather well too.
Michelle Lamb gets the kinks out. (Lucas Jaime, Michelle Lamb)
Michelle Lamb goes "Wheeee!!!" (Lucas Jaime, Michelle Lamb)
He's not dead. He's just emoting. (Elena Grinenko, Michael Nadtochi)
More general dancing
She competes later on.
The ever elegant Michelle Officer faces down the sparkly Ed Simon. (Ed Simon, Michelle Officer)
Michelle has a perfect leg line, AND she touches the ceiling. (Michelle Officer, Ed Simon)
The hair flying, the finger pointing, the feet and knees making graceful angles: look out Ed! (Michelle Officer, Ed Simon)
Little sparkles grow up to become big sparkles
Is there a breeze in here?
Michelle Officer and the rising star in the same picture!
What a day!
The winning formation team routine.
The Empire State Building
The Marriott
The Empire State Cows
Remember to breathe
The Logo
Cynthia Miller and Joe Wu stare into each others' eyes.
He holds her tight. (Yana Goldshtein, Natan Rositan)
On her way down for a split.
We will win. I can feel it.
Shall I whisper sweet nothings in your ear? Yes, whisper sweet nothings in my ear!
Blurry gold things.
More blurry gold things.
Gold things at rest.
Nobody move! I lost a contact lens.
Michelle Lamb shines (Lucas Jaime, Michelle Lamb)
Michelle Lamb on her way down for a split (Michelle Lamb, Lucas Jaime)
Nice leg line!
What is that other couple doing?
They pose on their way to winning.
Oh so elegant.
More leg lines
A vision in gold
The race is to the quick.
Looking toward the light
He dips, she dips.
Waiting for the scores
The winners kiss down the line.
Empire State Dance Sport Championships 2000
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