About the Author:
New York City Ballet - The Sleeping Beauty (www.nycb.org )
Founders, George Balanchine and Lincoln Kirstein Ballet Master in Chief, Peter Martins Ballet Mistress, Rosemary Dunleavy Children's Ballet Mistress, Garielle Whittle
Conductor, Andrea Quinn
Orchestra, Music Director, Andrea Quinn Manager, Press Relations, Siobhan Burns
New York State Theater, Lincoln Center (See Other NYC Ballet Reviews )
Dr. Roberta E. Zlokower February 18, 2004
The Sleeping Beauty (1991): Music by Peter Ilyitch Tschaikovsky, Libretto by Marius Petipa and A. Vsevolozhsky, after stories by Charles Perrault and others, Choreography by Peter Martins (after Marius Petipa) (Garland Dance by George Balanchine), Scenery by David Mitchell, Costumes designed by Patricia Zipprodt, Costumes executed by Barbara Matera, Make-up, Hair, and Wigs designed by Michael Avedon, Lighting by Mark Stanley.
Performed by: Jenifer Ringer as Princess Aurora; Philip Neal as Prince Désiré; Robert Lyon as King Florestan; Dena Abergel as The Queen; Maria Kowroski as The Lilac Fairy; Andre Kramarevsky as Catalabutte; Merrill Ashley as The Fairy Carabosse; Dana Hanson as The Fairy of Tenderness; Carrie Lee Riggins as the Fairy of Vivacity; Rachel Rutherford as The Fairy of Generosity; Lindy Mandradjieff as The Fairy of Eloquence; Ellen Bar as The Fairy of Courage; Arch Higgins, Stephen Hanna, Jonathan Stafford, and Henry Seth as The Suitors; Saskia Beskow (Danskin Spokesperson ) as The Countess; Christopher Boehmer as His Attendant; Charles Askegard, Ashley Bouder, Pascale van Kipnis, and Amanda Edge as The Jewels; Jessica Flynn and Seth Orza as The White Cat and Puss in Boots; Megan Fairchild and Joaquin De Luz as Princess Florine and The Bluebird; Anjelica Fellini and Henry Seth as Little Red Riding Hood and The Wolf; Antonio Carmena, Adam Hendrickson, and Daniel Ulbricht as The Court Jesters; and students from School of American Ballet .
Sleeping Beauty was premiered at Maryinsky Theater, St. Petersburg, January 15, 1890. George Balanchine made his ballet debut in Sleeping Beauty, as a dancer in the Garland Waltz and as a cupid. For NYC Ballet's 1981 Tschaikovsky Festival, George Balanchine choreographed the Garland Dance. Peter Martins included this Garland Dance in his 1991 staging. This production includes more than 100 dancers, including students from School of American Ballet, and 250 costumes. David Mitchell's scenes create a mystical world and fairy tales. Patricia Zipprodt's costumes follow paintings of the courts of Louis XIV and Louis XV. (NYCB Notes).
Tonight at NYC Ballet was an experience akin to a Fairy Tale, a sumptuous set and a Corps of exquisite dancers, with a traditional story unfolding amidst screened images of a castle on high that shift and change with the time of day (incredible constellations appear and evolve at night) and seasons (autumn is depicted with blazing golds and oranges) and with the inevitable brambles that enclose the sleeping Kingdom. In fact, this was a real Fairy tale, as there was actually an assortment of fairies: The Fairy Carabosse, who places a wicked death spell on an innocent Princess Aurora, who is fated to die at sixteen from a finger prick on a spindle, because Carabosse was not invited to Aurora's baby Christening; The Lilac Fairy, who undoes this spell and changes it to one of sleep, with the entire Kingdom sleeping 100 years, until Aurora is awakened by the kiss of a Prince who is also willing to immediately love and marry her; and The Fairies of Tenderness, Vivacity, Generosity, Eloquence, and Courage, all of whom dance around the Kingdom at various intervals to offer spirited feelings and imagery of pastels.
Of course, there's a King and Queen, who dance little but prance extensively, and loosely protect their daughter from evil intruders, such as Carabosse in disguise. Unfortunately, there's also Catalabutte, in a long brown wig, who bumbles interminably and is the cause of the original invitation oversight, as well as the cause of the unfortunate entrance of Carabosse at the sixteenth birthday event. This evil Fairy hides the "fatal" spindle in a bouquet of flowers (reminds me of the snake, hidden in the Nikiya's basket in La Bayadère .) Prince Désiré is supposed to be the most soulful and passionate of this growing cast, one who cuts through serious brambles and awakens a Princess and her Kingdom, with passion and possession. I will speak more to that ballet character later.
In addition to the scenes of The Christening and The Spell, with Mitchell's sensational sets, Zipprodt and Matera's elegant tapestry and flowing and frothy costumes, and Avedon's wigs and hair, we were treated to a woodland Vision, in which The Lilac Fairy shows princess Aurora to Prince Désiré, and they actually have a dream ballet, within a ballet, to inspire him onwards to the brambles and the love of his life, who needs a kiss to awaken. The Awakening scene is rapid, one kiss and 100 years disappear. Then, The Wedding scene, with dances by Jewels, a White Cat and Puss in Boots, Princess Florine and The Bluebird, Little Red Riding Hood and The Wolf, The Court Jesters, and The Courtiers of The Kingdom. The dancing tonight, from the Corps de Ballet and from students from School of American Ballet, such as in The Garland Dance (with wreaths of spring flowers), was flawless and ever so lovely.
Jenifer Ringer, as Princess Aurora, is virtuosic and vivacious. She is everything one would desire in a star-crossed character, and her sixteenth birthday dance, upon being struck by the evil spell, was touching and dramatic. Ms. Ringer exuded innocence, vulnerability, and sensitivity. Her dancing was superb, and the signature dance with her four Suitors, during which she must breathlessly let go, one leg en pointe, in a rotation of Suitors, was poised and practiced. Ms. Ringer is dancing onstage during four of five scenes, and she did not seem fatigued or withered. Aurora is a grueling ballet role, for the sturdiest of Principal dancers, and Ms. Ringer deserves kudos all around.
Philip Neal, as Prince Désiré, on the other hand, was ill cast. He would have been better cast as The Gold Jewel, as Charles Askegard exuded passion and presence, and Mr. Neal was weak in charisma. However, Mr. Neal partnered Ms. Ringer adequately, with more self-assurance than on other nights, and self-consciously beamed at his own skills, during audience approval. It would be interesting to see Robert Tewsley, Damian Woetzel, or Sébastien Marcovici in the role of Aurora's rescuer, Prince Désiré, and perhaps that duet will happen on another night. Andre Kramarevsky as the bumbling Catalabutte was adorable and theatrical, always in spirit, always entertaining. Maria Kowroski, as The Lilac Fairy, performed with compelling characterization and ethereal beauty. But, Merrill Ashley, as the vicious, vindictive Fairy Carabosse, all in black lace and strings, nearly stole the show, with her four mosquito-like black creatures crawling around her angular contortions and her striking, black carriage.
Notable, among the remaining Fairies, was Rachel Rutherford, who is fast becoming one of the most skillful and sensual dancers in the Company. As The Fairy of Generosity, Rachel was almost existential in presence and movement. As The Suitors, Mr. Hanna, Mr. Higgins, Mr. Stafford, and Mr. Seth were skillful and kept Ms. Ringer en pointe with definition and determination. Saskia Beskow , as The Countess in The Vision, was courtly and confident. Among the dancing Jewels at The Wedding, Charles Askegard, as Gold, and Ashley Bouder , as Diamond, were most outstanding, and Ms. Bouder is also developing a reputation this Season, for aerial virtuosity and elegant, yet energetic form.
Jessica Flynn and Seth Orza as The White Cat and Puss in Boots were sexually ignited, and this saucy scene was rare, among the frothy Fairies, crawling creatures, and biting brambles. A tour de force performance was given by Megan Fairchild and Joaquin De Luz, as Princess Florine and The Bluebird. Their duet is another signature piece in The Sleeping Beauty , and it was good to see Mr. De Luz for the first time in this Company (he emigrated from ABT last Season). Both Ms. Fairchild and Mr. De Luz are electrically charged, bravura dancers. Not only did they not disappoint, but they surpassed my wildest imagination in this all-too-brief duet. Mr. De Luz dances mid-air, with no floor in site, and their sprightly, petite personas, in deep tones of blue, feathers on high, were a joy to behold. No charisma was lost here.
I was hoping that this one time Red Riding Hood would elude The Wolf, but with no luck. Anjelica Fellini was just too tiny and cute to believe, and her stage confidence was exceptional for such a small child. Henry Seth scooped her offstage, after a race through tiny, human trees, as The Court Jesters entered. Mr. Carmena, Mr. Hendrickson, and Mr. Ulbricht were powerful and potent, as they leaped in muscle-bound momentum, over, through, and under each other, in an ever too short passage of hormonal energy.
Andrea Quinn conducted this full-length ballet with aplomb, and her Orchestra was sensational. Kudos to Peter Martins and to the famed Marius Petipa for a broad range of bravura choreography. And, kudos to Tschaikovsky for this sumptuous, fairy tale score.
NYCB - The Sleeping Beauty - Choreography by Peter Martins after Petipa and George Balanchine - Dancers: Amanda Edge, Charles Askegard, Ashley Bouder, Pascale Van Kipnis Photo courtesy of Paul Kolnik NYCB - The Sleeping Beauty - Choreography by Peter Martins after Petipa and George Balanchine - Dancers: Jenifer Ringer as Princess Aurora and Philip Neal as Prince Désiré Photo courtesy of Paul Kolnik
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Bobby Morales
Kalay Mordock
Patricia L. Morin
Margo Moritz
Sarah Morrison
George Morse
Per Morten Abramson
Moscow Ballet
Laura Muehlberg
Peter Mueller
Myna Mukherjee
Anne-Marie Mulgrew
Jennifer Muller
RJ Muna
Matthew Murphy
Yuris Nórido
Lydia Nagai
Bill Naiman
Sheena Nanwani
Naoya Ikegani/Saitama Arts Foundation
Mike Napoli
Ray Nard
Hibbard Nash
Chris Nash
Ibrahima Ndiaye
Steve Neeren
Sofia Negron
Stefanie Nelson
Rachel Neville
Uri Nevo
New Image Photography
New York Theatre Ballet
Candace Newson
Joanna Ney
Tommy Ng
Emily Nichols
Jamie Nichols
Michael Nickerson-Rossi
Jessica Nicoll
Timothy Norris
Erik Novoa
Michal Novotny
NY Baroque Dance Co.
Lucy Nystrom
Patricia Dates O'Brien
Rosalie O'Connor
Laura O'Gorman
Bruno O'Hara
Cathleen O'Malley
Odyssey Dance Company
Igor Ofenbakh
Javier Olivas
Mariana Oliveira
Nina Olson
Judy Ondrey
Angel Gil Orrios
Angel Gil Orrios
Lori Ortiz
Osage Ballet
Amy Osajima
Cindy Osorio
Ayaha Otsuka
Mary Noble Ours
Dan Ozminkowski
Vince Pahkala
Kathy Pahr
Ana Palma
Michael Palma Mir
Joe Palmer
Christina Paolucci
David Papas
Rachel Papo
Jose Parades
Sylvie-Ann Pare
Paris Opera Ballet
Tisina Parker
Claire Parois
Martin Parr
Adam Parson
David Parsons
Avinash Pasricha
Gilles Passavant
Marsha Patelson
Edward Patina
Eduardo Patino
Rollence Patugan
Paul Taylor Dance Company
Renata Pavam
Talia Paz
José Luiz Pederneiras
Samantha Peller
Pedro Pablo Pena
Josue Pena
Richard Penberthy
Alice Pennefather
Pennsylvania Ballet
Pennsylvania Ballet II
Isabel Asha Penzilien
Erik Pepple
Bill Peresta
Shay Peretz
Reba Perez
Natalia Perez
Bob Perkoski
Francois Perron
David Perry
Timothy Perry
Mark Shelby Perry
Kurt Perschke
Persephone Persephone
Johan Persson
Jen Peters
Brad Petot
Mark Philbrick
Laurent Philippe
Didier Philispart
Philly Fringe
Photographer Unknown
Karyn Photography
RobLi Photography
Tom Pich
Brigid Pierce
Israel Sanchez Pietro
Kristin Piljay
Stephen Pisano
Judy Pisarro-Grant
Pittsburgh Ballet Theatre
PJ's Dancetique
Matthew Placek
Tonya Plank
Philip Planta
George Platt Lynes
Players Pub
Sam Polcer
Lucy Pollak
Luis Pons Photography
Yvonne Porta
Luca Postpischl
Jonathan Potter
Carol Pratt
Laura Pravitz
Caroline Press
Robie Price
Wiley Price
Alisa Price
Slawek Przerwa
Max Pucciariello
Neta Pulvermacher
Rajika Puri
Sean Purser
Mike Quain
Angela Quan
Xiao Quan
Cindy Quezada
Ricki Quinn
Sergio Quintero
Martin Mydtskov Rønne
James R. Brantley
Zoe Rabinowitz
Rachel Rabkin
Scott Radke
Omar Raja
Sanjay Ramachandran
Essence Randolph
Scott & Kate Rasmussen
Dave Ratzlow
Malina Rauschenfels
Ellie Rautenbach
Julia Ravera
Ian Reed
Amy Reichert
Louise Reichlin
Courtney Remley
Shannel Resto
Patricia Rettig
Gabrielle Revlock
Rahi Rezvani
RGB Photography
Charles Rice-Gonzalez
Al Richard
Megan Richardson
Neil Rickman
Heidi Riegler
Jasmine Rios
Jason River
Alejandro Rivera
Martha Robinson
David Robinson, Jr.
Claudio Rocha
Ashley Rodgers
Phillip Rodriguez
Armando Rodriguez
Avery Rogers
Dana Rogers
Celia Romanoski
Alban Rombaux
Camille Rommett
Yarden Ronen-van Heerden
Eric Rosé
Lexa Rosean
Carol Rosegg
Rémie Roseman
Todd Rosenberg
Kolman Rosenberg
Bonnie Rosenstock
Katie Rosin
Janice Ross
Tecsia Ross
Paul Ross
Audrey Ross
Andy Ross
Michele Rossignol
Manny Rotenberg
Diana Roth
Jen Roupe
Charles Roussel
Robert Royston
Paco Rubio
Felix Ruckert
Richard Ruiz
Thomas J. Russo
Tom Russo
Beth Rutkowski
Robert Rutledge
Eileen Ryan
Stan Sadowski
Kamal Sahai
Cecilia Saia
Anne Saint Peter Photography
Claire J Saintil/CjArtPhotographie
Jackie Sajewski
J. Salmon
Erika Salter
Naya Samuel
Damion Sanders
Sangeet Natak Akademi, New Delhi
Sasha Santiago
Sarah Silver At Kate Ryan Inc.
Rebekah Sarbone
Amitava Sarkar
C.P. Satyajit
Beau Saunders
Antonio Savio
Lisa Schaffer
Amy Scharf
Joseph Schembri
Gene Schiavone
Juliane Schicker
Mel Schierman
B. Schiller
Leslie Schiller
Chris Schimpf
Jimmy Schlemmer
Alyssa Schoeneman
Steven Schreiber
Donny Schreier
Craig Schwartz
David Schwep
Susan Sci
Quincy Scott
Scratch This
Paula Scully
Sea World
Laurie Sefton
Candice Segarra
Sergio Segura
Nicole Seiler
Belen Seoane
Kaveri Seth
Michael Seto
Lucy Sexton
Jeremy Shaffer
Gloria Shanstrom
Sima Shapiro
John Shapiro
Amitava Sharkar
Scott Shaw
Suzanne Sherbundy
Jakari Sherman
Jessica Sherr
Melissa Sherwood
Palak Sheth
Chiun-Kai Shih
Nick Shotwell
Juniper Shuey
Dan Shuta
Sammy Silberstein
Janine Silver
Alexis Silver
George Simian
Xaviera Simmons
Scott Simock
Panayiotis Sinnos
Megan Sipe
Michelle Sipes
Sonali Skandan
Julie Skarratt
Sydney Skybetter
Jonathan Slaff
Kamila Slawinski
Michael Slobodian
Brent Smith
Janet Smith
Richard Kirk Smith
Diane Smither
Diane Smithers
Darial Sneed
Andy Snow
Rich Sofranko
Marty Sohl
Dmitry Solobev
SOLOROHM Associates
Linda Solotaire
Benaiah Sombke
Sony Pictures
Merian Soto
Roberta Sotonoff
Olivier Soulie
Hans Speekenbrink
Kevin Sprague
Tom Squires
Greg St. Clair
Stamford Performing Arts Center
Suzana Stankovic
Janet Stapleton
Janet Stapleton
Jesse Stein
Dan Steinberg
Henrik Stenberg
Stepping Out Studios
Angela Sterling
Nathalie Sternalski
Donna Sternberg
Sarah Sterner
Kieshalia Stevens
Tom Stio
Bettina Stob
Rune Stokmo
April Stone
Lauren Stonestreet
Jean-Pierre Stoop
Sara Stranovsky
Sandra Stratton-Gonzalez
Javier Suarez
Steve Sucato
Mary Kent Suministrada
Tim Summers
Meghan Swartz
Robbie Sweeny
Martha Swope
Reghan Sybrowski
Charles Sykes
Synthesis Dance Project
Michelle Tabnick
Steven Tackeff
Tahitian Noni
Paul-Antoine Taillefer
Margret Takyar
Tamar Tal
Jennifer Talley
Jenn Tamera
Danny Tan
Katsuyoshi Tanaka
Tango Times Tango Times
Tango X 2
Hideaki Tanioka
Tanzarchiv Köln
Paulo Tavares
Melvin E. Taylor
Pat Taylor
Pam Taylor
Diana Tedesco
Lynn Tejada
Richard Termine
Al Terry
Abraham Tetteh
Stephen Texeira
The Annenberg Center
The Broad Stage
The Estate Of Evelyn Barrille Woodruff
The Mariinsky Theater
The Mayan Express
The New York Public Library For The Performing Arts
The Right Image Photography
Juliet Theodore
April Thibeault
Pavan Thimmaiah
Emily Thomas
Juliana Thomas
Levi Thomas
Lindsay Thomas
Maria Thompson
Sarah Thompson
Heather Thorne
Rachel Thorne Germond
Annabelle Tiaffay
Ticket Solutions
Florian Tiedge
Isak Tiner
Jacques-Jean Tiziou
Jacques-Jean Tiziou
Ruben Toledo
Erik Tomasson
Michael Toolan
Anjola Toro
Justin Torres
Robert Torres
Jamie Townsend
Ricardo Trejo
Jean Tremblay
Joe Trentacosta
Alfonso Triggiani
Virginia Trudeau
Willy Tsao
Cherylynn Tsushima
Ben Tusher
Tutus Divine
Nadia Tykulsker
Gérard Uféras
University Of Indianapolis
Prudence Upton
Alex Uranga
Steven Vaccariello
Tristan Vallès
Jesús Vallinas
Jullete Valtinedas
Vam Productions
Chris Van Allsburg
Kurt Van Der Elst
Anna Van Kooij
Damion Van Slyke
Gino Vannelli
Gail Vartanian
David Vaughan
Sascha Vaughn
Juanlu Vela
Verb Ballets
Gina Verdi
Mary Verdi-Fletcher
Julie Vicens
Alie Vidich
Jochen Viehoff
Vikki Sloviter Photography
Martin Villa
Vanessa Villalobos
Paco Villalta
Cédric Vincensini
Paul Virtucio
Becca Vision
Jorge Vismara
Vanessa Vogel
Roy Volkmann
Stephen Von Der Launitz
Cylla Von Tiedemann
Kim Vos
Judith Vrancken
Pierre Wachholder
Karen Wade
Sharon Wagner
Jodi Waldron
Lauren Waldstein
Ilona Wall
Holly Wallace
Dana Walsh
Frank Walsh
Jen Wanagel
Lei Wang
Xiao Jing Wang
Donna Ward
Benjamin Wardell
Kamau Ware
Warner Brothers
Em Watson
Graham Watts
Sam Waxman
Mais We
JaNelle Weatherford
Peter Weathers
Kate Webb
Stacie Webster
Andrew Weeks
Paul Wegner
Jesse Weiner
Steve Weinrebe
Susan Weinrebe
Spencer Weisbond
Ulli Weiss
Lani Weissbach
Harry Weller
Christi Welter
Keith Weng
Jennifer Wesnousky
Lee Wexler
Lenny White / Pride Photography
White Wave
Zachary Whittenburg
Lewis J Whittington
Glen Wielgus
Frank Wiesen
Faith Williams
Robert Williams
Steve Wilson
Chris Wisner
Gene Witkowski
Chris Woltmann
Terence Womble
Catherine Woo
Steven Woodruff
Yi-Chun Wu
Lilian Wu
Henry Wurtz
Nina Wurtzel
Jeremy Xia
E.Y. Yanagi
Annie Yang
Catherine Yavorsky
Mai Yee
Lucy Yen
Santana De Yepes
Yelena Yeva
Jessi Yokas
You Should Be Dancing Staff
Weiying Yu
Damir Yusupov
Sean Zann
Mallory Zapata
Norm Zareski
Mara Zaslove
Billy Zavelson
Aron Zelkowicz
Leslie Zema
Alma Zeno
Laurent Ziegler
Joanne Zimbler
Lydia Zimmer
Dr. Roberta E. Zlokower
David Zlotchew
Jennifer Zmuda
Amanda Zoch
Samantha Zucchi
Anne Zuerner
Montgomery, AL
Siloam Springs, AR
Phoenix, AZ
Tempe, AZ
Vancouver, BC (Canada)
Arcadia, CA
Berkeley, CA
Beverly Hills, CA
City Of Commerce, CA
Costa Mesa, CA
Culver City, CA
East Hollywood, CA
Glen Ellen, CA
Glendale, CA
Hollywood, CA
Irvine, CA
Long Beach, CA
Los Alamitos, CA
Los Angeles, CA
North Hollywood, CA
Northridge, CA
Oakland, CA
Orange, CA
Palm Desert, CA
Pasadena, CA
Redondo Beach, CA
San Diego, CA
San Francisco, CA
San Gabriel, CA
San Jose, CA
San Pedro, CA
Santa Monica, CA
Stanford, CA
Studio City, CA
Thousand Oaks, CA
Valley Village, CA
Venice, CA
Walnut Creek, CA
West Hollywood, CA
West Los Angeles, CA
Boulder, CO
Denver, CO
Durango, CO
Greenwood Village, CO
Lakewood, CO
Vail, CO
Fairfield, CT
Hartford, CT
Stamford, CT
Washington, DC
Wilmington, DE
Miami, FL
Miami Beach, FL
Orlando, FL
Tallahassee, FL
Atlanta, GA
Honolulu, HI
Kahului (Maui), HI
Kailua Kona (Big Island), HI
Lahaina (Maui), HI
Waikoloa (Big Island), HI
Blue Island, IL
Chicago, IL
University Park, IL
Urbana, IL
Bloomington, IN
Carmel, IN
Evansville, IN
Indianapolis, IN
New Orleans, LA
Amherst, MA
Beckett, MA
Boston, MA
Cambridge, MA
Concord, MA
North Adams, MA
Stockbridge, MA
Sturbridge, MA
Winnipeg, MB (Canada)
Grand Rapids, MI
St. Louis, MO
Chapel Hill, NC
Charleston, NC
Durham, NC
Raleigh, NC
Bergenfield, NJ
Hackensack, NJ
Jersey City, NJ
Leonia, NJ
Livingston, NJ
Meadowlands, NJ
Montclair, NJ
Morristown, NJ
Newark, NJ
Paramus, NJ
Perth Amboy, NJ
Rutherford, NJ
Teaneck, NJ
Trenton, NJ
Washington Township, NJ
Wayne, NJ
Santa Fe, NM
Las Vegas, NV
Annandale-on-Hudson, NY
Ardsley, NY
Astoria, NY
Beacon, NY
Bronx, NY
Brooklyn, NY
Buffalo, NY
Catskill, NY
Chautauqua, NY
Corona, NY
East Northport, NY
Elmhurst, NY
Flushing (Queens), NY
Geneva, NY
Glendale, NY
Ithaca, NY
Jackson Heights, NY
Jamaica (Queens), NY
Long Island, NY
Long Island City, NY
New York, NY
Nyack, NY
Purchase, NY
Rochester, NY
Saratoga, NY
Saratoga Springs, NY
Southampton, NY
Staten Island, NY
Sunnyside, NY
Westbury, NY
Westhampton Beach Village, NY
White Plains, NY
Yonkers, NY
Akron, OH
Cincinnati, OH
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Cleveland Heights, OH
Columbus, OH
Cuyahoga Falls, OH
Elyria, OH
Lorain, OH
Shaker Heights, OH
Tulsa, OK
Toronto, ON (Canada)
Acapulco, OT (Mexico)
Amsterdam, OT (Netherlands)
Beijing, OT (China)
Berlin, OT (Germany)
Bordeaux, OT (France)
Buenos Aires, OT (Argentina)
Cape Town, South Africa, OT
Castelnaud-La-Chapelle, OT (France)
Chiasso, OT (Switzerland)
Condado, OT (Brazil)
Copenhagen, OT (Denmark)
Den Haag (The Hague), OT (Netherlands)
Istanbul, OT (Turkey)
Le Breuil, OT (France)
Les Eyzies, OT (France)
London, OT (England)
Lugano, OT (Switzerland)
Lyon, OT (France)
Maastricht, OT (Netherlands)
Madrid, OT (Spain)
Merignac, OT (France)
Montpellier, OT (France)
Pantin, OT (France)
Paris, OT (France)
Playa del Carmen, OT (Mexico)
Recife, OT (Brazil)
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Veracruz City, OT (Mexico)
Verscio, OT (Switzerland)
Wellington, OT (New Zealand)
Yangon, OT (Burma)
Zürich, OT (Switzerland)
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Providence, RI
Charleston, SC
Maryville, TN
Nashville, TN
Arlington, TX
Fort Worth, TX
Houston, TX
Richardson, TX
Provo, UT
Seattle, WA
Milwaukee, WI
Dance Mountain (1 mile above sea level or higher)
Greater Denver
Greater Los Angeles
Maui (HI)
New York City
Orange County (CA)
Queens (NY)
San Francisco Bay Area
New Hampshire
New Jersey
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North Dakota
Rhode Island
South Carolina
South Dakota
Washington D.C.
West Virginia
British Columbia
New Brunswick
Newfoundland and Labrador
Nova Scotia
Northwest Territories
Prince Edward Island
dance company
Alonzo King's Lines Ballet
Alvin Ailey Dance Theater
American Ballet Theatre
Artichoke Dance Company
Ballet Hispanico
Beijing LDTX Modern Dance Company
Cedar Lake Contemporary Ballet
Celebrate Dance
Chamber Dance Project
Eliot Feld's Ballet Tech
Gehring Dancetheatre
GroundWorks DanceTheater
Hubbard Street Dance Chicago
Jennifer Muller | The Works
Kirov-Mariinsky Ballet
LA Contemporary Dance Company
Lar Lubovitch Dance Company
Luminario Ballet
New Jersey Ballet
New York City Ballet
New York Theatre Ballet
Pacific Northwest Ballet
Paul Taylor Dance Company
Philadelphia International Festival of the Arts (PIFA)
Pittsburgh Ballet Theatre
Rebecca Kelly Ballet
Stephen Petronio Company
The Limón Dance Company
Tulsa Ballet
About the Author
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Dance Classes
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Invitation to the Dance - Reflections
Invite to the Dance - Intro to Genres
Jazz and Cabaret Corner
Jazz and Cabaret Reviews
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Paul Taylor Dance Company
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The Best of Tango Times
The Joyce Theatre
The World Trade Center and 9/11
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Visual Arts
Visual Glossary
Wedding Dances
Works in Progress
You Should Be Dancing dance studio
Youth America Grand Prix (YAGP)
Youth America Grand Prix 2001
Youth America Grand Prix Pictures
(Le) Poisson Rouge
1050 Restaurant
13th Street Repertory Theatre
14 Coles Street
14th Street Y
2wice Arts Foundation
42West Nightclub
440 Studios
92nd Street Y
99 Hudson
Aaron Davis Hall
Abrons Arts Center at Henry Street Settlement
Academy of Music
Access Theater, gallery loft
Adrienne Arsht Center for the Performing Arts of Miami-Dade County
Akron Civic Theatre
Akron-Summit County Library
Al's Place
Aldous Theater
Alex Theatre
Aloha Activity Center
Alonzo King's Lines Ballet (office)
Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater
Alvin Ailey Citigroup Theater
Amanda Selwyn Dance Theatre
Amarone Ristorante
Ambassador Theatre
American Ballet Theatre (office)
American Theatre of Actors' Chernuchin Theatre
Anabella Lenzu/DanceDrama
Angels Gate Cultural Center Gallery
Annenberg Center for the Performing Arts
Apollo Theater
Appleby Foundation, Inc.
Arcadia Performing Arts Center
Aronoff Center
Artichoke Dance Company (office)
Arts Fifth Avenue
Asia Society
Auditorium Theatre of Roosevelt University
August Wilson Center for African American Culture
Baila Tango Studio
Ballet Academy East
Ballet Hispanico (office)
Ballet Tech (office)
BalletMet Columbus Performance Space
BalletX (mail)
BAM Fisher
BAM Harvey Theater
Bar Bat
Barnsdall Theater
Baruch Performing Arts Center
Baryshnikov Arts Center
Battery Park
Battista Dance Studio
Baumgartner Center for Dance
Beef & Boards Dinner Theatre
Beijing LDTX Modern Dance Company (office)
Benedict's Restaurant
Benedum Center for the Performing Arts
Bet U Can Dance Studio
Blossom Music Center
Blue Note
Bootleg Theater
Broadway NYC
Brooklyn Academy of Music
Brooklyn Botanic Gardens
Brooklyn Center for the Performing Arts at Brooklyn College
Brooklyn Lyceum
Brooks Atkinson Theatre
Brother Jimmy's BBQ Midtown
Byham Theater
Café Fiorello
Caffe Taci
Cain Park
Cal Performances: Zellerbach Auditorium
California Plaza
California Theatre
Callahan Theater - Nazareth College Arts Center
Caminito Theatre at Los Angeles City College
Capitol Theatre - Vern Riffe Center
Carnegie Hall
Carnegie Hall - Zankel Hall
CAS Sullivan Street
Case Western Reserve University - Mather Dance Center
Castro's Bar
Cedar Lake
Celebrate Dance (office)
Centennial Concert Hall
Center for Jewish History
Center for Performance Research
Centre National de la Danse
Centro Cultural Borges
Century Ballroom
Chamber Dance Project (office)
Channel 13
Chelsea Station
Chelsea Studios
Chen Dance Center
CherryPharm, Inc.
Chetty Red
Chez Les Fondues / Le Refuge des Fondus
Chicago Cultural Center
Chicago Theater
China Club
Christel DeHaan Fine Arts Center
Circle in the Square
Citi Performing Arts Center - Wang Theatre
Citigroup Theater
Citizens of Chelsea
Ciudad Centro Konex
Ciudad Cultural Konex
Civic Opera House
Clayton Center for the Arts
Cleveland Public Theatre
Clowes Memorial Hall of Butler University
Club 6137
Collective: Unconscious
Columbia University's Alfred Lerner Hall
Columbus Dance Theatre's Fisher Theatre
Comcast Theater
Community Concert Hall at Fort Lewis College
Community Education Center
Connelly Theatre
Connolly's Pub & Restaurant
Crowne Plaza Valley Forge
Cutler Majestic Theatre
Dance Conservatory of New York
Dance Manhattan
Dance Mission Theater
Dance New Amsterdam
Dance New York
Dance Theatre Workshop
Dance Times Square
Dance With Me SoHo
DanceBrazil (office)
Danspace Project
Davenport Theatre
David H. Koch Theater
Deauville Beach Resort
Det Kongelige Teater - Old Stage
Deutsche Oper
DeVos Performance Hall
DGA New York Theater
Dia: Beacon
Diavolo Performance Space
Dicapo Opera Theatre
Dior Boutique NYC
District Theatre (formerly Theatre on the Square)
Diva Lounge
Dixon Place
Dock 11
Dorothy Chandler Pavilion of the Music Center
Doug Varone and Dancers/DOVA, Inc.
Dr Anton Philipszaal/Lucent Danstheater
DUO Multicultural Arts Center
Durham Performing Arts Center
Dutch National Opera & Ballet Muziektheater
E3rd Steakhouse & Lounge
EJ Thomas Hall - University of Akron
El Barrio
El Flamingo
El Portal Theatre
El Son
Empire Dance Studio
Episcopal Actor's Guild
Ernest Klein & Co. International Supermarket
Eskenazi Museum of Art
Eugene and Elinor Friend Center for the Arts
Eugene O'Neill Theatre
Fais Do Do
Falls Center Parking Garage
Feinstein's at The Regency
Five Angels Theater - The 52nd Street Project
Florence Gould Hall
Flushing Town Hall
Ford Amphitheatre
Ford Center for the Performing Arts
Fort Mason Center for the Arts
Franklin Station Cafe
Fred Kavli Theater
Frederick P. Rose Hall
Freed of London
Freud Playhouse
Fringe Arts
Galvin Playhouse
Gehring Dancetheatre (mail)
Gelsey Kirkland ArtsCenter
Gerald Lynch Theater at John Jay College
Gerald Schoenfeld Theatre
Gibney Dance Lower Manhattan
Gibney Dance Union Square
Good Hurt Nightclub
Gothic Moon Studio
Governors State University
Gray Line NY Sightseeing Tours
Green-Wood Cemetery
Groove With Me
GroundWorks DanceTheater
GroundWorks Dancetheater (mail drop)
Guggenheim Museum - Peter P. Lewis Theater
Harold M. Williams Auditorium - J. Paul Getty Museum
Harris Theatre for Music and Dance
Helen Hayes Theatre Company
Helen Mills Theater
HERE Arts Center
Highways Performance Space
Hilbert Circle Theatre
Hillman Center for Performing Arts
Hilton New York
Hilton Theatre
Hirschfeld Theatre
Hoke Theatre of Stocker Arts Center
Hostos Center for the Arts & Culture
House of the Redeemer
Howard L. Schrott Center for the Arts
Hubbard Street Dance Chicago (office)
Hudson Guild Theatre
Hunter College
Il Campanello
Imperial Theatre
Indiana Landmarks Center - Cook Theater
Indiana Repertory Theatre
Indianapolis Artsgarden
Indianapolis Museum of Art - The Toby Theater
Indianapolis Scottish Rite Cathedral
Indy Eleven Theater
Irving Plaza
IS 90
Ivy Substation
Jack Rose
Jacob's Pillow
Jake's Saloon
Japan Society
Jazz at Lincoln Center
Jazz Standard
Jennifer Muller | The Works Studio
JMC Custom Framing and Art Gallery
Jo Ann Davidson Theatre - Vern Riffe Center
Joe Goode Annex
Joe's Pub
John Anson Ford Theatres
John Brown University
John Ryan Theater at White Wave
John Stevenson Gallery
Johnny's Hideaway
Jones Hall at Meredith College
Joyce Soho
Judson Memorial Church
Julia Miles Theater
June Havoc Theater
Kaffe Krystal
Kahului Airport (Maui)
Kakes Studio
Kaye Playhouse
Keahole-Kona International Airport (Big Island)
Kelly Strayhorn Theater
Key Club
Key Club LA
Keystone Art Cinema Indianapolis
Kimmel Center for the Performing Arts
King King Latin Jazz
Konak Turkish Restaurant
Krannert Center for the Performing Arts
Kripalu Center
Kumble Theatre at LIU Brooklyn
Kupferberg Center for the Arts at Queens College - Goldstein Theatre
La Belle Epoque
La Boca at Il Campanello
LA Contemporary Dance Company (office)
La Guardia Drama Theatre
La MaMa - Ellen Stewart Theatre
La MaMa - First Floor Theatre
La Nacional
Lafayette Grill and Bar
LaGuardia HS Concert Hall
LaGuardia Performing Arts Center
LaGuardia Performing Arts Center, Mainstage Theater
Lakewood Cultural Center
Lar Lubovitch Dance Company (office)
Le Pin Galant
Le Refuge des Fondus / Chez les Fondus
Le Rendez-vous
Le Studio
Lensic Performing Arts Center
Leonia Public Library
Lesher Center for the Arts
Lincoln Center
Lincoln Center - Peter Jay Sharp Theater
Linger Restaurant
Links Hall
Little Temple
Live Arts Los Angeles
Long Island City High School
Lorain County Community College - Stocker Arts Center
Lorenz Latin Dance Studio - Corona
Lorenz Latin Dance Studio - Glendale
Los Angeles Theater Center
Lotus Music & Dance - Pearl Studios
Lotus Music & Dance - Simple Studios
Luckman Fine Arts Complex
Luminario Ballet (office)
Luminario Ballet Rehearsal Space
Lyon Opera
Madame Walker Theatre Center
Madison Square Garden
Maison de la Danse
Malonga Casquelourd Center for the Arts
Mama Juana's Latin Lounge
Manhattan Movement and Arts Center
Manhattan School of Music - John C. Borden Auditorium
Marines Memorial Theatre
Mark Morris Dance Center
Martha Graham Studio Theater
Martin Luther King High School
Mary D'Angelo Performing Arts Center - Mercyhurst University
Marymount Manhattan College
Mass MoCA
Matles Florist
Maui Theatre
Mayo Center for the Performing Arts
McCallum Theatre at the College of the Desert
McCarren Pool
McCaw Hall
McGinn/Cazale Theatre
MCI Center
McNichols Building
Memorial Hall - The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Merce Cunningham Dance Company & Studios
MGM Grand
Middlesex County College
Miller Theatre - Columbia University
Miller Theatre - Columbia University School of the Arts
Minetta Lane Theatre
Monsoon Cafe
Murat Theatre at Old National Centre
Museum at the Fashion Institute of Technology
Museum of Chinese in America
Musical Arts Center - Indiana University
Nasher Museum of Art at Duke University
Nate Holden Performing Arts Center
National Museum of Dance
Neighborhood House
Nelson A. Rockefeller Park
New Dance Group
New Dance Group
New Hazlett Theater
New Jersey Ballet (office)
New Jersey Performing Arts Center
New World Stages
New York City Ballet (office)
New York City Center
New York Dance Center
New York Live Arts
New York Public Library for the Performing Arts
New York Theatre Ballet/Ballet School NY (office)
New York, New York Hotel and Casino
Newman Center for the Performing Arts - Byron Theatre
Nichols Flickinger Performing Arts Center
Ninth Avenue
NY Kom Tang Restaurant
NYU Langone Medical Center
NYU Skirball Center for the Performing Arts
NYU Tisch School for the Arts, Department of Dance
ODC Theater
Odyssey Theatre
Ohio Theatre
Old National Centre
On The Boards
Orange County Performing Artscenter
P.S. 372, The Children’s School
Pacific Northwest Ballet (office)
Palace of Fine Arts Theatre
Palace Theatre
Palais des Sports
Palazzo dei Congressi
Pantheon Theatre
Parc Belleville
Paris quartier d'eté
Park Grill
Parque de la Arganzuela
Passaic County Technical Institute
Paul Pellicoro's DanceSport
Paul Taylor Dance Company (office)
Performance Space New York
Peridance Capezio Center
Peter Martin Wege Theatre
Piano Due
Pier 25
Pier 63
Pierre Dulaine Dance Center
PIFA (office)
Pike Performing Arts Center
Pittsburgh Ballet Theatre (office)
Players Pub
Players Theatre
Playhouse Square - Allen Theatre
Playhouse Square - Connor Palace Theatre
Playhouse Square - Hanna Theatre
Playhouse Square - Ohio Theatre
Playhouse Square - State Theatre
Plaza de Armas
Plaza del Sol Performance Hall
PMT Dance Studio
Portes Ouvert de Bellevue
Presbyterian Church of Chestnut Hill
Primus Photography Studio
Prince Theater
Professional Children's School (PCS)
Promenade Theatre
Prospect Park Bandshell
PS 122
Puccio Gallery
Pueblo Antiguo
Puffin Cultural Forum
Queens Theatre in the Park
Radio City Music Hall
Rainbow Room
Ramada Inn (LA, CA)
RecCen Studio
Redondo Beach Performing Arts Center
Repertorio Español
Reynolds Industries Theater
Ricardo Montalban Theatre
Roberto Dutesco Gallery
Roosevelt Hotel
Rosa Mexicano
Route 66
Roy Arias Studios & Theaters
Royal Opera House
Royal Pacific Resort at Universal Orlando
Rubin Museum of Art
Ruth N. Halls Theatre - Indiana University
Ruth Page Center for the Arts
Salon Canning
Sambuca Nightclub
San Francisco Conservatory of Dance
San Gabriel Civic Auditorium
San Gabriel Mission Playhouse
San Jose Center for the Performing Arts
Santa Monica Bar and Grille
Santo Rico Dance School
Santos House
Saratoga Hotel
Satellite Collective NYC
Schimmel Center at Pace University
Schrott Center for the Arts at Butler University
Scottish Rite Cathedral Theater
Sea World San Diego
Severance Hall
Sheen Center
Shubert Theatre
Sicis showroom
Sidney Harmon Hall
Skidmore College
Skirball Center for the Performing Arts at NYU
Skylight Music Hall Santa Fe
Snug Harbor Cultural Center
Soho Dance
SoHo Playhouse
Sosnoff Theater
Sounds of Brazil
South Street Seaport
Spa Ja
Space on White
Spina Loft
Spoleto Festival
St. Cyril's
St. Mark's Church-in-the-Bowery
Stamford Center For The Arts
Stamford Westin Hotel
Stanford Memorial Auditorium
State Playhouse Theatre at Cal State LA
Stephen Petronio Company (office)
Stepping Out Studios
Steps on Broadway
Steuben Glass Showroom
Steven's Steakhouse and Seafood
Studio B (Brooklyn)
Studio B (Philadelphia)
Studio Le Regard du Cygne
Studio Maestro
Sturbridge Host Hotel and Conference Center
Succop Theater at Butler County Community College
Sullivan Room
SummerStage - Central Park
Superstar Center
Suzanne Roberts Theatre
Swing 46
Sydney Opera House
Symphony Space
Taj Restaurant & Lounge
Tango de Soie
Taube Atrium Theater - Veterans Building
Tavern on the Green
Teatro Círculo
Teatro Dimitri
Teatro Dimitri
Teatro La Tea
Teatro Lope de Vega
Tennessee Performing Arts Center - Andrew Jackson Hall
Tennessee Performing Arts Center - James K. Polk Theater
Terrace in the Sky Restaurant
Texas Theater, UT Arlington
Thalia Spanish Theatre
The 100 Club
The 14th Street Y Theater
The 92nd Street Y
The Academy of Music
The Actors Company Theatre
The Alex Theatre
The Apollo Theatre
The Argentine Consulate of New York
The Auditorium Theatre of Roosevelt University
The Auditorium Theatre of Roosevelt University
The Avalon
The Baruch Performing Arts Center
The Bata Shoe Museum
The Big Top
The Breen Center for Performing Arts
The Broad Stage - Santa Monica College
The Broadway Theatre
The Cadillac Palace Theater
The California Club
The Center at West Park - Sanctuary Theater
The Center for Ballet and the Arts (New York University)
The Chautauqua Institution Amphitheater
The Commons
The Construction Company
The Copacabana
The Cutting Room
The Dance Academy
The Dance Academy
The Dance Center of Columbia College Chicago
The Dance Complex
The Danny Kaye Playhouse
The DiMenna Center for Classical Music
The District Theatre
The Duke on 42nd Street
The Duke Theatre
The Echoplex
The Electric Lodge
The Eric Carle Museum of Picture Book Art
The Flea Theater
The Fountain Theatre
The Fox Theatre
The Gallery at Hermès
The Hilton Waikoloa Village
The Jacob Javits Center
The Jane Ballroom
The Joan Weill Center for Dance
The Joffrey School
The John Anson Ford Amphitheatre
The José Limón Dance Foundation (office)
The Joyce Theater
The Kennedy Center
The Kitchen
The Kraine Theatre
The Lab Gallery
The Lensic Performing Arts Center
The Lorain Palace Theater
The Mann Center for the Performing Arts
The Mariinsky Theatre
The Marjorie S. Deane Little Theater - West Side YMCA
The Masonic Hall of Pasadena
The Mercury Cafe
The Met Breuer
The Metropolitan Museum of Art
The Miller Theatre
The Milton G. Bassin Performing Arts Center at York College
The Mulberry Street Theater
The New 42nd Street Studios
The New Ohio Theatre
The Oak Room
The Odyssey Theatre
The Painted Bride Art Center
The Paley Center for Media
The Palladium
The Paramount Theatre
The Plaza Hotel
The Poet's Den
The Purple Door
The Queen Mary
The Rotunda
The Saloon
The Santa Fe Opera
The Santa Monica Bay Women's Club
The Supper Club
The Tank
The Tarkington
The Terrace Club
The Thalia Spanish Theatre
The Time Warner Center
The Times Center
The Toby at the Indianapolis Museum of Art
The Toby Theater at Newfields
The Triangle at 14th Street & 9th Avenue
The Waldorf Astoria Hotel
The Winter Garden
The Zipper Theatre
Theater Aan Het Spui
Theater for the New City
Theaterhaus Gessnerallee
Theatre 80
Theatre de la Bastille
Theatre de la Ville - les Abbesses
Theatre de la Ville - Sarah Bernhardt
Theatre National de Chaillot
Theatre of Note
Theatre Raymond Kabbaz
thefidget space
Thurber Theatre at Drake Center
Tishman Auditorium, New School University
Tizi Melloul
Tomlinson Theater
Tommy's Place
Top of the Tower
Torres Bermejas
Touhill Performing Arts Center - University of Missouri-St. Louis
Town Hall
Town Stages
Triad Theatre
Tribeca Performing Arts Center @ BMCC
Triskelion Arts - Aldous Theater
Triskelion Arts - Muriel Schulman Theater
Tulsa Ballet (office)
UCLA Live's Royce Hall
UCLA's Glorya Kaufman Hall
Ukrainian Institute of America
Union Square Theater
United Palace Theatre
Unknown Theater
Valley Performing Arts Center at California State University, Northridge
Verb Ballets
Versani Flagship Showroom
Victory Theatre
Villa Ocampo
Wallis Annenberg Center
War Memorial Opera House
Warner Theatre
Washington Square Methodist Church
Webster Hall
Wellington Opera House
Wessex-Bristol Art Gallery
West End Theater at Church of St. Paul and St. Andrew
Westbeth Center for the Arts
Wexner Center for the Arts
White Eagle Hall
White Plains Performing Arts Center
White Rabbit Cabaret
Whole Foods Market - Upper West Side
Williamsburg Art Nexus
Wilma Theater
Winston Unity Hall
World Cafe Live
World Cafe Live at the Queen
World On Wheels
Wortham Theater Center
Wynn Las Vegas
Yerba Buena Center for the Arts
You Should Be Dancing dance center & Club 412
Zellerbach Hall
Dance Critics Association
Robert Abrams Consulting
SwingShoes (Erik Novoa)
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