Ask Trish - April 2003Where can I find it? How do I get it???Dear Ms. Trish, I saw your segment on "glitter lips" last week on "World Dance New York" and I love the look. I have been searching the web trying to locate the products you mentioned, but am not having any luck. Could you please give me a product name or direct me to a website where I can purchase some glitter powder and shellac? Thanks in advance for your response. Emilie Winslow Salt Lake City Hi Emilie— Thanks for mentioning my guest-starring role on "World Dance New York"! My good friend, Neon, produces an awesome show about all kinds of dance happening in the New York City area, including Ballroom, Latin, and Bellydancing. You can read more about her show on the site www.worlddancenewyork.com. Occasionally, I do a segment on her show called "Face It! With Trish Dates O'Brien." We usually focus on different areas each show, like hair-dos for performing, eye shadow techniques, or, in the segment you saw, "glitter lips." For your soon-to-be awe-inspiring glittery lips, you can check out www.TrueColors.com —they have an amazing array of glitter products. All of their glitter comes in neat-o stacks of 4 or 8 colors, all coordinated by color groups, like "White Diamonds" and "Moody Blues." They're not the cheapest, but they have some great colors. Best of all, you can mix the glitter with almost any base, like lip gloss, for your lips….or nail polish, for glittery nails….you can darn well cover your whole body in this stuff! To achieve the glitter lips effect, I usually apply lipstick and liner first in a shade similar to the glitter I'll be using (red, hot pink, etc.) Then, using a q-tip, dip the tip into the glitter powder and pat it on your lips. It's a little like Shake-n-Bake, but the effect is very cool…. Next, seal the finished work with a product I like called "She-Laq" by Benefit Cosmetics. This will keep the glitter powder on your lips while you dance. I believe you can get the product both on Benefit's website, or www.sephora.com. Good luck! Nice to know Neon is known as far as Salt Lake City!!!!! Hi Trish, I love your column and your humor. I wear contacts and need a mascara that is waterproof and doesn't flake. Do you know of such a product? Hi Paula— I am absolutely enamored of a product called "Kiss Me Mascara." This fine product is made by the folks over at www.BlincInc.com. It's totally revolutionary; unlike most oil-based mascaras, which tend to flake, Kiss Me Mascara "tubes" your lashes in a water-resistant formula that will not flake, smear, or run. (Believe it! I'm a convert! No more raccoon eyes for me…) When you want to remove the mascara, just dampen it with water, and the "tubes" slide right off your individual lashes. Honestly, the first time I removed the mascara, it was a little freaky—I was convinced my own lashes were coming off as well. But I assure you, your lashes will thank you in the long run. And no more flakes in your 'tacts. That's all for now, folks! See you next month! As always, email me with any questions or comments to TrishDatesOBrien@aol.com.
Patricia Dates O'Brien is a Dancesport competitor and makeup know-it-all. She does makeup and hair styles for dancers at most major dance competitions, and can give makeup and hair consultations by appointment. To make an appointment, ask a question, or for more information, email Trish at TrishDatesOBrien@aol.com.