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Jessi Yokas
Performance Reviews
Dance New Amsterdam
United States
New York City
New York
New York, NY

Splice: East Coast/West Coast

by Jessi Yokas
November 4, 2006
Dance New Amsterdam
280 Broadway, 2nd floor
(Entrance on Chambers Street)
New York, NY 10007
(212) 625-8369
Dance New Amsterdam's recent presentation, "Splice," showcased the work of two choreographers from each American coast (Thursday-Friday, November 2nd-4th at 8:00pm). The first featured artist, Stephanie Nugent, has been active in the California dance scene since 1997 and creates and collaborates with various artists through her own company, Nugent Dance. The other featured artist, Maija Garcia, resides in Harlem, works with the Bill T. Jones/ Arnie Zane Dance Company, and has presented her choreography at various venues throughout New York City.

Stephanie Nugent presented three works, dancing in two solos and showcasing a piece on her company members. Stephanie's choreography has the power of contrasting small, detailed movements in one stationary spot with energy that moves far beyond the dancer. All of the dancers commanded the audience's attention with their confidence and ease as they moved through the movement and dialogue.

Maija Garcia closed the concert with two works clearly inspired by city living. She worked with themes that combined anxiety with chill, and celebrated what each individual brings to a community. The choreography was weakened by some of the dancers' performance skill, but nonetheless accomplished a creative blend of funk, lyrical and African influences.

Overall, the evening proved to be pleasant and inspiring. As an employee of Dance New Amsterdam, I have seen many shows in our new theatre, and I must say that this performance was one of the most enjoyable.
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