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 Duke Ellington Orchestrawith Mark Gross, Alto Sax; Dave Bixler, Alto Sax; Craig Rivers, Tenor Sax; Anthony E. Nelson, Jr., Tenor Sax; James Stewart, Baritone Sax; Junior Vega, Trumpet; Chris Albert, Trumpet; Reggie Pittman, Trumpet; Don McIntosh, Trumpet; Stafford Hunter, Trombone; Benny Powell, Trombone; Kuni Mikami, Piano; Bryce Sebastien, Bass; Brian Grice, Drums; Jack Jeffers, Bandleader/Bass Trombone At Birdland Most Tuesday Nights 315 West 44th Street, NYC 212.581.3080 www.birdlandjazz.com Gianni Valenti, Owner Andy Kaufman, Business Manager Tarik Osman, Manager (See Other Birdland Reviews) By Dr. Roberta E. Zlokower September 9, 2003 (See March 4, 2003 Ellington Orchestra Review). I stopped by tonight, on the direct walk home from the Oak Room and caught almost all of the second set. Jazz is a bit like Tango, as one can rarely be too late to hear at least a few pieces. I sat at my usual seat at the Bar, near the musicians, and was greeted warmly by the musicians' playful glances and scintillating music. The Duke Ellington Orchestra, led by Paul Mercer Ellington and Jack Jeffers has never been in better shape. The horns were triumphantly presenting a hot, blazing sound, and the orchestra was relaxed and improvisational, which is often a nice feature of the second sets. In Cottontail, about two rabbits making love, there are two saxophone soloists featured, and they were fantastic. Chelsea Bridge featured strong trombones, and Stafford Hunter and Benny Powell played complimentary roles, followed by Jack Jeffers on a third featured trombone. The back row of muted trumpets was the foundation for Stafford's sharp, accented qualities that contrasted with Benny's lower and smoother sound. Sultry Serenade featured bass, trumpets, and drums in wild effervescence. Kuni Mikami's solo piano piece, about a single rose petal, was very reminiscent of MacDowell's To a Wild Rose. However, Kuni was accompanied by brushes and soft bass tones. The finale was an energetically fused Swing/Jazz/Blues piece, which brought the Birdland audience to a rousing ovation. You can check Birdland's Website and see that the Duke Ellington Orchestra fortunately appears at Birdland most Tuesday nights, 2 sets.  Duke Ellington Orchestra Photo courtesy of Roberta E. Zlokower
 Jack Jeffers, Director Photo courtesy of Roberta E. Zlokower
 Duke Ellington Bassist Photo courtesy of Roberta E. Zlokower
 Duke Ellington Saxophonist Photo courtesy of Roberta E. Zlokower
 Erica Weander and Tarik Osman (See July 17, 2003 Review of Erica's Debut at Birdland) Photo courtesy of Roberta E. Zlokower